Read about the school curriculum for our students


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The learning and teaching program at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ is both dynamic and innovative, catering towards students’ spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical development. Students are challenged to be creative, critical and reflective thinkers with a respect for evidence and openness of mind. Opportunities for both independent and collaborative learning are provided and contemporary technologies are integrated throughout the learning and teaching program. The learning environment caters towards a diverse range of student abilities with specially tailored support programs and enrichment opportunities for highly able students.

Year 7 to 10

The curriculum in Years 7 to 10 is centred around the Victorian Curriculum and reflects Victorian priorities and standards. The Victorian Curriculum F–10 includes eight learning areas and four capabilities. The learning areas of the Arts, Humanities and Technologies include distinct disciplines. The capabilities represent sets of knowledge and skills that are developed and applied across the curriculum.

In Years 7 and 8, students undertake a variety of core subjects and are offered a broad range of sequential learning experiences. Three languages are offered: French, Italian and Mandarin Chinese.

In Years 9 and 10, students assume greater responsibility for their learning program by selecting subjects from a range of elective programs. All students study a combination of core and elective subjects. Year 10 students have the opportunity of studying an Accelerated subject.





Religious EducationReligious EducationReligious EducationReligious Education
Health and Physical EducationHealth and Physical EducationHealth and Physical EducationHealth and Physical Education
(one semester only)
Languages (choose two)


Languages (choose one)


Languages (full year)

History: The Modern World and Australia
(one semester only)
Skills for Learning
Semester Based Subjects
Semester Based Subjects

Product Design

Semester Based Subjects

Group A: Technology
Cross Curricular

  • Global Responsibility

Product Design and Technology

  • Fashion and Product Design
  • Silk Painting and Textile Design

Information Technology

  • Digital Technologies

Group B: The Arts

  • Art
  • Visual Communication Design

Performing Arts: Drama

  • Centrestage
  • From Page to Stage

Performing Arts: Music

  • Music and Beyond
  • Music Performance

Semester Based Subjects**

  • English Literature

Health and Physical Education

  • Sports Science


  • Commerce: Taking Care of Business
  • Geography: Space and Change
  • Global Activism
  • Politics / Legal Studies: Your Rights, Your Vote

Information Technology

  • Digital Technology

Languages (counts as two electives)

  • Chinese
  • French
  • Italian

Performing Arts: Drama

  • From Script to Production
  • From Workshop to Performance

Performing Arts: Music

  • Music Investigation
  • Music Performance: Solo and Group Performance

Product Design and Technology

  • Costume Design
  • Product Design and Innovation

Visual Arts

  • Art
  • Media
  • Photography
  • Visual Communication Design

* Year 9 students must select four electives with a minimum of one from each group.
** Year 10 students must select four electives from at least three different groups.

Accelerated Studies
Year 10 students may apply to undertake a selection of Unit 1 and 2 studies. Undertaking an accelerated study replaces two electives.

Year 10 STEAM
STEAM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, (the) Arts and Mathematics. STEAM uses project based learning to holistically foster students' skills in creativity, design thinking, collaboration and problem solving. This subject is interdisciplinary and integrates skills in research, learning and inquiry. Modern life is filled with STEAM invented products: mobile phones, electric cars, video games, virtual reality, Fit-Bits, to name a few. In this subject, the students will be the inventors. They will have the opportunity to work in teams on real life problems and learn first hand what it is like to create something extraordinary in our contemporary world.

This subject provides students with opportunities to:

  • Develop scientific knowledge and skills in the scientific process
  • Apply the 'Human Centred Design Thinking' methodology to problem solving
  • Design in two and three dimensions and build prototypes
  • Problem solve through collaboration
  • Develop metacognitive skills in critical, questioning, reasoning and evaluative thinking
  • Develop higher order design and engineering skills to innovate and invent
  • Investigate emerging fields such as robotics and biomimicry
  • Learn about the different disciplines of engineering
    Year 11 and 12

    Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE)

    In Years 11 and 12, students can select from a broad range of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) subjects to suit their individual needs, interests and career pathways.

    Religious Education is an integral part of the College curriculum and as such, all Year 11 and 12 students take part in the Religious Education Program.

    Accelerated Studies Program: High achieving students can apply to undertake certain VCE Unit 3/4 studies in Year 11 as part of the College’s accelerated studies program.

    Click here for the full list VCE Units offered at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ.

    Vocational Education and Training (VET)

    Vocational Education and Training (VET) involves training in workplace competencies to a standard established and recognised by Industry Training Boards. Vocational courses usually require a period of work placement in the relevant industry. VET courses are fully integrated into the VCE. Students at ÁñÁ«ÊÓƵ have access to a wide variety of VET studies through the Inner Melbourne VET Cluster (IMVC).

    Some examples of the VET studies available are:

    • Certificate II in Animal Studies
    • Certificate II in Hospitality
    • Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology
    • Certificate III in Allied Health
    • Certificate II in Business
    • Certificate III in Children's Services
    • Certificate II in Community Services
    • Certificate III in Events
    • Certificate II in Dance
    • Certificate III in Media
    • Certificate II in Engineering Studies
    • Certificate III in Sport and Recreation
    • Certificate II in Equine Studies
    • Certificate IV in Interior Decoration